About SF Bay Area Fun

When I became and empty nester during Covid I had plenty of time to think of what fun things I’d like to do once I had ample free time.   After raising kids, starting a cooking school, volunteering at many places in the Palo Alto community I thought it was high time just to have some fun.

So I made lists of restaurants where I wanted to dine, started a trivia team at The Patio in Palo Alto, rounded up some gals to form a group called SF Adventure Seekers to spend time on field trips, bought season tickets to Theatreworks, Palo Alto Players and West Bay Opera, joined the online Menlo Park library movie group.   You would think that would be plenty to fill up my plate, right?

When looking for fun things to do I realized my old sources for fun were scant.  The SF Chronicle pink section was now so skinny, the Palo Alto Weekly was not as robust on their coverage of local events and I was hard pressed to find community calendars.   So, while recovering from a number of injuries/surgeries I started this website.  I love going to the theater, reading books, bargains and cooking so you’ll see my lists are skewed in that direction.

I welcome you to help me post fun activities of things to do in San Francisco and the Peninsula.  If you hear of something fun, just send me an email at info.sfbaytareafun@gmail.com. You can also write there if something needs a bit of fixing.  I promise to read every email but can’t promise to post all of your great ideas.

I hope you have fun with this site! Cindy